Finding Workflows
To execute a workflow in Workbench, it must be accessible through your account. Access workflows through either the Workbench interface's workflows page or the command line interface.
Searching Available Workflows
Workbench provides access to thousands of workflows and makes finding the right one straightforward. The workflows page displays key information with a unified search bar that checks across multiple fields:
Workflow name
Workflow ID
Workflow source
Latest version
If you can't find a suitable workflow, you can create your own and integrate it into your account.
Navigating the Workflows Table
To explore a workflow in detail:
Select any workflow from the table to view its overview page.
Access metadata, documentation, and all versions
Use the action icon for additional options:
"View Workflow" - Opens the complete workflow overview
"Copy Workflow ID" - Copies the identifier and latest version for CLI use with
flag"Run Workflow" - Takes you to the run configuration page
The workflow ID copied from the action menu can be used directly with the command line interface for workflow submission.
Last updated
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