storage add

Add a new Storage Account


Add a new storage account that Workbench can use to list and view blobs, buckets, and other storage objects. The configuration requirements vary by cloud provider, and to streamline the setup process, there is a dedicated sub-command for each supported cloud provider. Currently, only AWS is supported.


omics alpha workbench storage add aws STORAGE_ID
  --name NAME
  --access-key-id ACCESS_KEY_ID
  --secret-access-key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  --region REGION


Add a new AWS storage account. This command configures Workbench to access the specified AWS storage account by providing the necessary credentials and region information.

omics alpha workbench storage add aws my-aws-account
  --name "My AWS Account"
  --access-key-id AKIA1USDFGPGUDF9FROW
  --secret-access-key my-secret-access-key
  --region us-east-1

Positional Arguments


The user-defined ID of the storage account to add.



A human readable name for the account.


The access Key ID to authenticate to AWS with.


The secret value of the access key.


The AWS region the access key is for.

Last updated

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