workflows versions create

Create a version of a workflow in a namespace

Certainly, here's the updated documentation with the WORKFLOW_FILE marked as a required positional argument:


omics workbench workflows versions create --workflow=WORKFLOW_ID --name=TEXT


Create a new version within a specific workflow using the provided WORKFLOW_UUID and name. You can set the description and specify WDL files for the new version using the provided flags and the required positional argument.


Create a new version with the specified name for the given workflow:

omics workbench workflows versions create --workflow 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 --name "New Version" main.wdl

Create a new version with a description provided in a Markdown file:

omics workbench workflows versions create --workflow 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 --name "New Version" --description main.wdl

Positional Arguments


Required. A WDL or supporting text file that you would like to include as part of the new version. You can specify multiple files at once. The first WDL file specified will become the entry point of the new version.

The CLI transparently handles imports for you, inspecting each WDL and resolving/finding relative imports that are defined in the files. Because of this, it is typically sufficient to only specify the entry point of the new version, since all other files will be discoverable from that.



A required flag to specify the entrypoint for the workflow. Needs to be a path of a file in a context of the workflow, e.g., main.wdl.


Required. Specify the UUID of the workflow in which you want to create a new version.


Required. Set the human-readable name for the new version. The version ID will be derived from the version name and must be unique within the specified workflow.


Provide or update the description of the new version. You can either provide the description directly as text or use a file containing the description in Markdown format.

Last updated

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