
Workbench is a software product created by DNAstack for bioinformatics workflow execution. Workbench enables you to run workflows reproducibly and at scale on major cloud computing platforms as well as on on-premises high-performance computing (HPC) installations.

How it works

Workbench breaks the model of data-centralization and enables you to Bring the compute to your data all from the comfort of a centralized workflow management plane.

To use Workbench, you can either use the web application or the downloadable command-line interface (CLI) package to connect to one or more workflow engines deployed in a compute environment.

When you submit a workflow run, Workbench sends it to the workflow engine. The workflow engine interprets the workflow and generates commands for individual tasks. The engine then dispatches these commands to the cloud backend through a service that orchestrates computational resources, executes the work, and writes outputs to storage.

Workbench monitors the progress of the workflow run by interacting directly with the engine and then communicates the progress back to you. Workbench can concurrently monitor thousands of workflow runs across different compute environments all from a single command line or web interface.

If you are interested in getting access to Workbench please contact our support team

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