Creating an Access Policy


Publisher administrators can create custom access policies to manage collection access. This guide walks through creating and configuring a new controlled access policy.

Basic Policy Setup

Start by navigating to Access Policies through the left sidebar and clicking "Create Policy" in the top right corner. Enter a descriptive name for your policy that reflects its purpose or the group it governs.

Configuring Access Permissions

Allow List Configuration

To restrict access to specific users, add their email addresses to the policy. Enter addresses in the text field, separating multiple entries with commas or line breaks.

For example:,

Access Request System

You may allow users to apply for access to collections with this policy. Enable the access request feature to let users request permission to view controlled collections.

You can handle requests in two ways:

When managing requests through Publisher:

  1. Provide a reply-to email address for communications

  2. Create a custom request form with relevant fields

  3. Preview and adjust the form layout as needed

  4. Save your form configuration

Alternatively, you can link to an external request system by providing a URL to where data consumers can apply for access

Terms of Use Integration

To include Terms of Use with your policy:

  1. Enable the "Terms of Use" feature

  2. Enter the URL where your terms document is hosted

  3. Specify the terms version number

  4. Choose whether to require explicit acceptance

If "Require Acceptance" is enabled when you update either the "Terms of Use" or "Version" number, users must accept the new terms to maintain access.

Finalizing Your Policy

After configuring your settings, save the policy to make it available for use with collections. The new policy will appear in your Access Policies dashboard, where you can monitor and manage access requests.

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