Creating an Access Policy

  • Step 1: Navigate to your instance of Publisher and click "Access Policies" menu in the side navigation bar.

  • Step 2: You will see a table of access policies. Click "Create Policy".

  • Step 3: Click the "Policy Name" field and type the name.

  • Step 4: (Optionally) Type or paste a list of email addresses that are separated by commas or newline characters.

  • Step 5: (Optionally) You may allow users to apply for access to collections with this policy.

    1. Toggle the "Allow Requests" toggle

    2. Choose whether you want to manage access requests in Publisher or use an external site.

For the "Manage in Publisher" option, add a Reply-To email address to receive replies from data consumers and click on "Create Request Form" button.

On the left side of the Form editor, you can add fields to the form and arrange them. When you add a field, you can set the Title, Type, Placeholder, and specify if the field is required. On the right side of the Form editor, you can see a preview of the form. Click the "Save" button to save the form.

For the "Through an external site" option, provide a URL to an external site where data consumers can apply for access.

  • Step 6: (Optionally) You may specify Terms of Use for services governed by this access policy.

    1. Toggle the "Enable Terms of Use" toggle.

    2. Add URL to the Terms of Use.

    3. Add version of the Terms of Use.

    4. (Optionally) Toggle the "Require Acceptance" toggle to require users to accept the Terms of Use before accessing the services.

If "Require Acceptance" is enabled and either the "Terms of Use" or "Version" values change, users will lose access to all services governed by this policy until they accept the new version.

  • Step 7: Click "Save Policy".

  • Step 8: The saved Controlled Access Policy will be displayed in the Access Policies overview table.

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