Changing Notification Preferences

As an admin, Publisher can email you when collections and data sources have been changed or when new access requests have been submitted.

You can request notifications when:

  • A data consumer submits an access request for a collection with a controlled access policy.

  • The data in a collection has changed: either because you or another administrator changed its filter definition, or because files or tables that match its filter were added or removed from the Library.

  • The configuration of a data source has changed: you or another administrator added a data source, removed a data source, or modified an existing data source's configuration.

Notification preferences are stored separately for each user, so changes you make on this screen apply only to you.

  • Step 1: Sign in to your instance of Publisher and click the "Settings" menu in the side navigation bar.

  • Step 2: Click the "Email Notifications" tab.

  • Step 3: Click the toggle switches on or off to select which changes you want to be notified about.

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