Collection Filters
Publisher's collection filters dynamically manage collection contents, automatically updating as new data sources match your filter criteria. These filters are available for both files and tables, helping administrators precisely define collection contents.
How Filters Work
Publisher automatically updates collection contents based on your filter settings, ensuring collections stay current with your data sources. When new data is connected to Publisher, it's automatically evaluated against existing collection filters.
Example Scenario
Let's say you create a collection to gather all files containing "portal" in their names:
Initial State:
One file in Publisher contains "portal"
Your collection has the
filter condition set toContains
and the value toportal
This collection contains only one file since it's the only file that has "portal" in its name
After Adding New Data:
A new data source with a "portal" file is connected
Collection automatically includes this new file
Collection now contains both matching files
Collections automatically:
Evaluate new data against filter criteria
Include matching content from new data sources
Update without manual intervention
Maintain consistent organization of your data
Last updated
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