workflows versions files

Prints or downloads workflow files


omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=WORKFLOW_ID [VERSION_ID]


Retrieve files belonging to a workflow version using the provided WORKFLOW_ID and VERSION_ID parameters. Behaviour depends on the values set for the flags. See the examples below for more information.


Prints out the workflow's descriptor file to the screen:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0

Prints the workflow file matching the given path to the screen. If the file is binary, the file contents will not be printed to the screen and a warning will be printed instead:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0 \

Saves the content from the --path file as a file in the location specified by --output:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0 \

Saves all the workflow's files in the same hierarchy in the location specified by --output. Note: --output must end with a folder in order to store all the workflow's files:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0 \

Downloads the file specified by --path as a zip file in the location specified by --output:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0 \

Downloads the file specified by --path as a zip file named ({workflow_name}-{workflow_version} in the folder location specified by --output:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0 \

Downloads the file specified by --path as a zip file named in the current working directory:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0 \

Downloads all files in the workflow in the zip file location specified by --output:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0 \

Downloads all files in the workflow as a zip file named 12345678910-1.0.0-files.zipin the folder location specified by --output:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0 \

Downloads all files in the workflow as a zip file named in the current working directory:

omics workbench workflows versions files --workflow=12345678910 1.0.0 \

Positional Arguments


Required. Specify a version identifier (VERSION_ID) to retrieve the files corresponding to the workflow's specific version.



Required. Specify the UUID of the workflow for which you want to describe versions.


The path for the specific file in the workflow that is to be printed to the screen or downloaded.


The location where a workflow file or files will be downloaded. Note: if --path is not specified (i.e. you are downloading multiple files) then --output must end with a folder and not an existing file name.


If specified, the file(s) will be downloaded as into a zip file. Note: if --output is not specified or does not end with a zip file, then it will create a zip file with the naming convention {workflow_name}-{workflow_version}

Last updated

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