workflows versions defaults list
List workflow defaults for a given workflow version
List Workflow Defaults
List all the workflow defaults for a given workflow version. This command fetches workflow defaults sequentially, printing them to the console.
List workflow defaults for a given workflow version:
List workflow defaults with pagination:
An optional flag to define the namespace to connect to. By default, the namespace is extracted from the user's credentials.
The ID of the workflow for which the defaults will be listed.
The ID of the workflow version for which the defaults will be listed.
Limit the maximum number of results printed to the console.
Used to set the offset page number. This allows for jumping to an arbitrary page of results.
Used to set the number of results returned per page (default 100).
Used to sort the workflow defaults by a set of given properties and directions. The SORT_STRING
consists of multiple properties to order by, in the form column(:direction)?(;(column(:direction)?)*
. The direction of the ordering is optional, and if it is omitted, the default ordering is ascending.
Valid Directions: ASC
Examples: workflow_id:ASC;version_id:DESC
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