storage platforms add

Add a Platform


omics alpha workbench storage platforms add PLATFORM_ID
  --name NAME
  --storage-id STORAGE_ID
  --platform PLATFORM
  --path PATH


Annotate a bucket with a sequencing platform, adding semantic meaning to the files that exist within it.


Add a new platform to an existing storage account with platform data located at specified path.

omics alpha workbench storage platforms add my-platform
  --name "My AWS Platform"
  --storage-id my-aws-account
  --platform PACBIO
  --path s3://my-platform-data

Positional Arguments


The user-defined ID of the platform to add.



A human readable name for the platform.


The ID of the storage account associated with the platform.


The sequencing platform associated with the platform. Only PACBIO is supported at this time.


The path in the storage account where platform data is located.

Last updated

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