storage platforms delete

Delete a Platform

storage platforms delete


omics alpha workbench storage platforms delete PLATFORM_ID
  [--storage-id my-aws-account]


Delete a specified platform from storage, prompting for confirmation before deleting.


The basic usage of this command is for deleting a platform. When running the command below, you will be prompted to confirm whether you want to actually delete the platform.

omics alpha workbench storage platforms delete my-aws-platform 
  --storage-id my-aws-account

If you are running the command in a script (or do not want to be prompted), you can specify the --force command line flag.

omics alpha workbench storage platforms delete my-aws-platform 
  --storage-id my-aws-account

Positional Arguments


The user-defined ID of the platform to delete.



The ID of the storage account associated with the platform.


Force the deletion without prompting for confirmation.

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