storage platforms list

List Platforms

storage platforms list


omics alpha workbench storage platforms list


List all platforms.


List all storage accounts for all storage accounts

omics alpha workbench storage platforms list

List max 10 platforms from a specific storage account

omics alpha workbench storage platforms list
  --max-results 10
  --storage-id my-aws-account

List the second page of platforms, displaying up to 10 accounts per page, sorted by name in descending order.

omics alpha workbench storage list
  --page 2
  --page-size 10
  --sort name:desc



Limit the maximum number of results printed to the console.


Used to set the offset page number. This allows for jumping into an arbitrary page of results.


Used to set the number of results returned per page (default 100). Reducing the page size can help with poor internet connections.


An optional flag to define how results are sorted by allowing the user to specify one or more columns and directions to sort by.

The value should be in the form: column(:direction)

Multiple columns can defined to sort by (if they are supported) simply by separating the sorts with a semicolon.

The Direction can be defined by the values: asc AND desc Examples: --sort name:desc


An optional flag to filter the results by the given storage account.

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