storage update

Update a Storage Account


omics alpha workbench storage update STORAGE_ID
  [--name NAME]
  [--access-key-id ACCESS_KEY_ID]
  [--secret-access-key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
  [--region REGION]


Update the configuration of an existing storage account in Workbench. This command allows you to modify the details of a storage account, such as the access keys or region.


Update the name of an existing storage account with the given STORAGE_ID:

omics alpha workbench storage update aws my-aws-account --name "My updated AWS Account"

Update the access keys, and region of an existing storage account with the given STORAGE_ID:

omics alpha workbench storage update aws my-aws-account
  --access-key-id AKIA1USDFGPGUDF9FROW
  --secret-access-key my-secret-access-key
  --region us-east-1

Positional Arguments


The user-defined ID of the storage account to add.



A human readable name for the account.


The access Key ID to authenticate to AWS with.


The secret value of the access key.


The AWS region the access key is for.

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