Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Permissions


  • Service Account (SA): This is an identity generated in Google Cloud that can be used to interact with GCP services. Each SA has a unique email (identity) and one or more JSON keys.

  • Data Project: A project that houses the target dataset.

  • Quota project: A project that you would like to bill BigQuery to and consume quota resources.

  • Permission: Granular actions that a user can perform on a given resource.

  • Role: A collection of permissions typically needed for specific interactions against one or more resources: “Data Viewer,” “Storage Reader,” etc.

Minimal Configuration

Creating Credentials

Create a new Service Account (SA) in any project.

gcloud iam service-accounts create publisher-connectors \ 
    --display-name="Publisher Data Connections"

Generate a new JSON key and download it.

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create \
  publisher-connectors-key.json \

Creating a Custom Role in Data Project

Create a role that has permission to list buckets:

gcloud iam roles create "StorageBucketLister" \
  --project=${PROJECT} \
  --title="Storage Bucket Lister" \
  --description="Required for Publisher to list buckets" \
  --permissions="storage.buckets.list,storage.buckets.get" \

Assign that role to the SA you created in "Creating Credentials":

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} \ 
--member="serviceAccount:publisher-connectors@${PROJECT}" \

Data Project

For each bucket that you want to connect to Publisher, assign the Storage Object Viewer policy to the service account:

gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://${BUCKET} \
--member="serviceAccount:publisher-connectors@${PROJECT}" \
--role=roles/storage.objectViewer \

Last updated

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